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Building A Great Relationship With Your Child

Your child in their younger years will only need you, their parents, the most, and you might not realize the importance of bonding yet. But as they grow up, you might experience the bond changing and want to build a relationship or bond all over again. Chances are it is easier said than done. If you have reached your wit’s end about how to develop and cherish a relationship, we are here to help.

Give some time and work

A parent-child connection is special but still shares similarities while building a meaningful relationship. We are biologically programmed to connect with the ones that give birth to us but is that all a relationship is made of?

While giving time for the relationship to build, you can stay available for them. Show them that they are one of the essential parts of your life, and make sure you find time for eating or sharing hobbies.

Practice teamwork

Do your family believe in teamwork? Giving a choice of listening to your child’s opinion on matters of the house is a great way to show your child that you value their opinion. They will also realize the responsibility they have towards their home and family members. It is crucial for building a strong relationship because it goes both ways.

You can also do chores together or wait to eat as a family. Having meals together is always fun and can be filled with various conversations that will help you stay updated with each other’s lives. Montessori Nursery in Pinner teaches the value of teamwork by letting the children work on activities together.

Stay available

As your child grows up, they might have their own time of sharing or enjoying things. If they show zero interest in sharing an activity with you today, that might be the only thing they need tomorrow. But they will also expect you to wait or focus on them over everything in your life at that point. If you stay available, you will give them the trust and reliability that you will always be there for them.

This will mostly be helpful for teens. Your child in teen years often have mood swings, and they are vulnerable to breaking down. One time they might show they don’t need you and going to explore the world all on their own, and the next moment, you might find them complaining your not caring enough. Of course, this is not the case with all the teens, but the important tip is not to take things personally.

Give respect, earn respect

It is pretty hard to imagine that the child you gave birth to, who during their infancy, didn’t have much of their thoughts, personal space, or opinions. And you tend to believe it even as they grow up. But don’t expect your child to listen to every word you say with a demanding tone. Speak respectfully, and show how you don’t appreciate it.


Want your child to learn teamwork? At Montessori education in Pinner, we believe in providing everything that contributes to a child's growth. Montessori learning in Pinner teaches all the values and manners a parent would teach their child.

At Rise Montessori Nursery, provides friendly and homely environment that helps your kid develop their personalities and value relationships with those around us. Your child grows their confidence level at a suitable pace. At Montessori in Pinner, the focus is on the emotional health of your child as well.


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Montessori Nursery in Pinner - Rise Nusery

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