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Showing posts from April, 2021

Nurturing ‘Love of Learning’ in Children

Nurturing a child's love for learning begins with trust. We trust our kids to know what they are interested in learning. Parents commonly take this view of learning during the child's first two years, when he/she is learning to stand, walk, talk, and to perform many other important and difficult things. No one worries that a kid will be too lazy, uncooperative, or unmotivated to learn these things; it is simply assumed that every kid is born wanting to learn the things he/she needs to know in order to understand and to participate in the world around him.  They know best how to go about learning something. If left alone, children will know instinctively what method is best for them. Caring and observant parents soon learn that it is safe and appropriate to trust this knowledge.  Perceptive parents are aware that there are many different ways to learn something, and they trust their children to know which ways are best for them. They need good amounts of quiet time to think. Ki...